Episode 080: The King Of Adjusting

Episode 080 was a complete derailment of the outline. Wow. They had every intention to focus on the topics, but their recent “discussions” took over. They spent a great chunk of time debating their roles in the relationship, if they should shift, and comparing their roles to “how everyone has always done it.” Travis is very flexible. But Stephanie wants him to be intentional with his child rearing, not just follow her beliefs. Is it because she needs help or is it because she doesn't want to be the only one to blame if their children have something to say about their childhood?

On “Oh So Y’all Can Relate” someone changes their EX’s contact name to make it seem it's just another friend. Would you allow your partner to communicate with their ex if they had a life threatening accident?

Oh and yeah those Drake ticket prices were very humbling to the Whiteman household. Stephanie and Travis are not okay.


Episode 081: Am I Pansexual? feat. Jojo & Dayra of Les Chat Podcast


Episode 079: I’m Not Your Parent