Episode 066: Two Hurt People


This week Stephanie and Travis reflect on which love language they use to love their friends. Stephanie’s “friendship love language” may be outdated considering how her life has evolved. Travis unfortunately wasn’t able to identify his “friendship love language”. Maybe from a lack of friendships or a lack of expressing love.

On “Did You Know?” Travis tells us about yet another unfortunate side effect of hormonal birth control. A reminder that men should pay up cause women pay way more in non-monetary ways. From menstruation to child birth to menopause.

Stephanie is candid about how she disappointed herself this week by speaking to both Eli and Travis in a way that does not reflect her healing. Why is it that we try to justify our negative behavior? It is easy to blame others for triggering us, but what if we took responsibility for our own actions?

Lastly, for almost everyone, infidelity is a deal breaker. The big relationship NO NO. But, that is easier said than done. What does a relational therapist say about the reasons people cheat? How do we decide when a second chance is warranted? Why are we more understanding of the person who is shamed into silence but not the person who was falsely entitled into narcissism?


Episode 067: Masculine VS Feminine Energy


Episode 065: Dreaming Of My Ex