Episode 061: Parenting Isn’t For The Weak


In reflecting on their week, things got a bit heated between Travis and Stephanie. It was about food, again. They aren't immune to the recurring disagreements. Just like many of you, they struggle with eating the food at home. This issue is not made any easier by the fact that Travis finds no joy at all in preparing a meal. Stephanie sees it as a more serious issue, no one wants to eat food prepared by someone who didn't put love into it, and possibly made it while harboring negative feelings.

Parenting isn’t for the weak! This week Stephanie and Travis reflect on how becoming parents of two have impacted them personally now that baby River is 9 months old. Travis tears up when reflecting on a recent milestone he reached with Eli which he feels was a bit overdue. Like in romantic relationships, our dynamics are ever evolving in our parenting relationships. We aren't going to be the best versions of ourselves and exactly who our children need on day one. Just like in our romantic relationships, we have to do the best we can with the knowledge and support we have each and every day.

Stephanie also speaks extensively about the pressures she feels to take care of herself while simultaneously taking care of the home and the children and her spouse. Something or someone has to get the short end of the stick so what is she to do? Stephanie gives a review of the book, Raising Good Humans by Hunter Clarke-Fields. This book focuses on helping us reduce our reactivity to raise kind and confident children. It forces us to compare our voice and tone when we speak to our children to when we speak to our romantic partners and when we speak to our friends. We often have this ill informed mentality that we have to have complete control of our kids' actions for their own safety. When in reality we have to build mutual respect, not blind obedience.


Episode 062: It’s Just A Piece Of Paper


Episode 060: One Minute Man